Tuesday Swap'n Shop

Jun 25, 2013 at 08:16 am by bryan

Wants: free dresser, bed, home entertainment center 801-2536

For Sale: 55 gallon aquarium with fish and wooden stand $150; dinette set $75; microwave $20 887-3342

For Sale: 37 DVDs (all types of movies) $2 each 569-0933

For Sale: Craftsman 42 inch riding mower, 14 HP 497-8442

For Sale: 32 inch flat screen TV $200 (new in box) 962-7136

For Sale: Kenmore washer and dryer 895-1246 (8:30AM-3PM)

For Sale: table and chair $60; hospital bed pan $20; shoes $25 893-5476

For Rent: 2 BR mobile home in Kittrell area 896-2773

For Sale: doll house cottage, 12 x 8-foot; suitable to store riding mower 893-3986

For Sale: newborn baby clothes and accessories; Garage Sale: 6AM-? This Friday at 6157 Lofton Rd. in Lascassas, TN 618-1426

For Sale: push weed eater on wheels, 6HP; 8N Ford tractor; 1991 Ford Tempo 563-9844

Sections: Swap and Shop