For Sale: weed eater on wheels; 8N Ford tractor with new tires; 1991 Ford Tempo 563-9844
For Sale: new 32-inch flat-screen TV; 2001 Ford Ranger 962-7136
For Sale: GE microwave (white with hardware) $50 895-0455
For Sale: table and 3 chairs $60; hospital bed pan $20; shoes $25 893-5476
For Sale: 5 ladder back chairs $10 each; new ironing board $20; table fan $15 890-0707
For Sale: 42-inch Murray 12.5HP riding mower 979-2408
Wants: 10-12 good laying hens 318-5733
For Sale: 1999 Chevy 4WD Blazer (needs motor work) $1,700 525-1968
Yard Sale: Friday and Saturday at 2235 Haven Drive (6AM-?) 890-1683
For Sale: 3.5 HP edger $40; a few young guineas (3-4 days old); donkeys 848-3590