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A Pictorial Step Back to the 1900's in Rutherford County

In the 1930’s and 40’s the drug store soda fountain was a feature and gathering place for the town folk. This soda fountain was located in the Buchanan and Tarpley Drugstore. The Murfreesboro area embraced this business for nearly 5o years before closing in the 1980's. Many remember the ice cream toss. The person dipping the ice cream would toss it into the air. If it missed the cone, then the customer got it free.
This is a 1920’s photo of the Princess Theater located on the east side of the public square. The Crescent Amusement Company chose the location. It was the first theatre to be built outside of Nashville. The Princess Theater moved to College Street, June 23, 1923. The above is a photo of an old parade in front of the movies.
This is a 1920’s photo of the Princess Theater located on the east side of the public square. The Crescent Amusement Company chose the location. It was the first theatre to be built outside of Nashville. The Princess Theater moved to College Street, June 23, 1923
This early 1920’s photo was taken on the north side of the public square. The building is of the Murfreesboro Bank and Trust Company. It was a three-story building. The bank was organized and chartered July 8, 1905. with a capital sock of $50,000.
In the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, the county still had large forests that were used in the building of area homes and businesses. This photo was taken at the turn of the 19th century and it was made in Woodbury, Tennessee. At the beginning of the 19th century, there were still many forests with virgin timber in the area.
The Christy-Huggins Ice House and Bottling Works was located on Southwest Broad now the Discovery Center at Murfree Springs. It became the location of the production and distribution of Coca-Cola in Rutherford County. The photo was taken in about 1920.
The I. P. Burn's and Son General Store and Post Office was built in 1865. This old fashioned country store was a center of activity in the Everglade Community near Rockvale. Folks would gather for a few staple items coffee, sugar, and other items. It was the place where all gathered to share local news or enjoy a good game of checkers by the pot-bellied stove on a cold winter’s afternoon.
James Keys Buchanan,“K-Buck”, and Thomas M. Tarpley formed a partnership in the early 1920’s to create one of Rutherford County's most popular establishments. Not only was it a poplar meeting place for the local community, but the drug store was a great place for fun, refreshments, as well as medicines. It was fondly known as, "Buck and Tap's".
Rutherford County’s first industry was a bucket factory which opened in 1857 by John C. Spence. The company was forced to operate on a limited scale until after the Civil War. After the war, it became known as the Red Cedar Woodenware Company. This plant made wooden churns, dippers, bowls, pencils, and oil of cedar which was sent all over the United States.
Once folks in the local community became inamored with the automobile, it wasn't long before dealerships appeared on the scene. This is one of the first automobile dealerships in Rutherford County. It occupied the building on West College and North Maple Street. The dealership grew and became a significant business in the area. It relocated to Broad Street.
The DeGeorge Grocery was owned by Sam DeGeorge, an Italian immigrant. The store was opened in 1911, and in 1913 Sam sold the business to his brother John. John and his wife Clara lived in the balcony apartment above the store. It is now the location of Shacklett’s Photography.
Hall’s Hill Mill was located on the Stones River near the rural community of Hall’s Hill. There were many grist mills along the Stones River. It was a place where the local farmers would come to have their corn ground into corn meal and their wheat into flour. The mill pond was a great place for swimming and picnicking on those hot summer days. Most of the mills in the area fell into disrepair during the 1980’s.