first Murfreesboro school

‘Juneteenth’ Celebrates Freedom in Murfreesboro June 15th - June 17th

Jun 10, 2023 at 03:06 pm by WGNS News

MURFREESBORO, TN - In 1806, Bradley Academy was built in Murfreesboro for the wealthy, only allowing white males to attend the school. Past President of the United States Jame.... Read More

JuneTeenth Celebration at Bradley Academy in Murfreesboro June 15th - June 17th

Apr 27, 2023 at 10:38 am by WGNS News

LISTEN ABOVE: Listen to the full interview above to learn more about JuneTeenth and Bradley Academy. In the interview, WGNS' Scott Walker talks to Vonchelle Stembridge, F.... Read More