TN Parents Sue State Over School Voucher Law

Mar 13, 2020 at 10:54 am by bryan

Public school parents and community members in Nashville and Memphis are challenging the Tennessee Education Savings Account (ESA) voucher law, arguing that it unlawfully strips money from public schools. Comments from Chris Wood, attorney for the plaintiffs, with the firm Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP.

A group of parents are suing the state over a school voucher law that would allow public school funds to be used to help Tennessee families send their kids to private schools. Chris Wood, an attorney representing the 11 plaintiffs in the case, says diverting millions of dollars intended for the Nashville area public schools to private schools - violates the rights of public school students.


The Tennessee Education Savings Account voucher program passed by a single vote last spring. The lawsuit asks that it be stopped before going into effect as early as this fall.

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