Post Your Item on the WGNS Swap & Shop Classified Page

Post your item and photo on the WGNS Swap & Shop page for free! We will also mention your ad On Air every Monday - Friday morning between 7:50AM and 8:10AM.

Your posting can be for items you are selling, a home you are offering for rent or things that you are looking for. You can also post ads for a service needed such as mowing, you have tree limbs to be picked up or you need help painting. The only things we don't allow are adult novelty items, guns or ammunition. 

First Name
Enter first name here
Last Name*
Enter last name here
Who do you nominate for a free weekend getaway? (First and Last Name) - Required
In 255 words or less, why do they need a weekend getaway? - Required
Zip Code*
Enter zip code here
Product Name
Enter product name here
What is their phone number? - Required
Enter message here
What is their address (home OR work)? - Required
Do you have their email address?
Enter country here
If you would like to list your name and number as a contact if we can not reach your nomination, should they be picked, feel free to do so. (optional)